Memorials : Children’s Memorials

Below are examples of our Children’s Memorials which are available from Anthony Ives Memorials.

If you would like or order any of these memorials, simply click the "Get a free estimate for this memorial now" link below the memorial of your choice and enter your requirements on the form provided and we will then contact you to confirm your requirements and provide a quote for your memorial.

Imperial Red Granite • HS 27” x 21” x 3” Base 3” x 24” x 12”
A highlighted teddy bear cuddles the inscription area.

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Blue Pearl Granite • HS 24 x 18” x 3” Base 3” x 24” x 12”
This slightly smaller memorial with hand carved
angel is also suitable for a cremation plot.

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Carnation Granite • HS 24” x 21” x 5” Base 3” x 24” x 12”
A tender hand carved “Madonna and Child” ornament.

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Blue Pearl Granite • HS 22 x 16” x 2” Base2” x 18” x 12”
A child’s teddy memorial.

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Marble • HS 24” x 17” x 3” Base 3” x 18” x 12”
This child’s memorial features a carved toy train.

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Dense Black Granite • HS 22” x 16” x 2” Base 2” x 18” x 12”
A beautiful child’s memorial, two shadow punched and
highlighted teddy bears wander through a calm wood.

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Dense Black Granite • HS 22” x 16” x 2” Base 2” x 18” x 12”
A child’s memorial with a beautiful cherub shadow punched ornament.

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Dense Black Granite • HS 24” x 16” x 4” Base 3” x 18” x 12”
A delicately carved angel looks over this heart. The heart is raised
from the background of the headstone, the angel looks down
but can also be offered without the angel.

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Dense Black Granite • HS 18” x 22” x 3” Base 3” x 24” x 12”
A toy rabbit decorates this children’s memorial.

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Dense Black Granite
Tablet 12” x 18” x 2” Vase Rest 10 x 9/6” x 6” Base 2” x 20” x 14”
This child’s memorial features a vase in the rest and bear
and soldier ornament, any favourite character can be added.

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Dark Grey Granite • HS 27”x21”x3” Base 3”x24”x12”
Personalised highlighted ornaments can be added upon your request.

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Dense Black Granite • HS 33”x21”x3” Base 3”x24”x18”
Football 9” diameter made of Black and Rose White Granite
Suitable for a football fan young or old, any team or sport can be represented.

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Dense Black Granite • Hs 21”x17”x3” base 3x18”x12”
This child’s memorial can have the babies clothes painted pink or blue.

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Dove Grey Marble • HS 24”x24”x3” Base 3”x24”x12”
Dove grey marble is ideal for this cloud memorial
with matching base.

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